Saturday, September 6, 2014

The Call!!!

Friday, May 16, 2014

Chad received his mission call in the mail!!!

Chad has always been a great kid, he has always been quite intuitive, smart, sensitive and kind.  When he was about 6 years old he came up to me and asked me if we have a Mother in Heaven... 

He has always wanted to serve a mission.  He had hoped to serve in a foreign country and learn a language.  He has 3 older brothers who served missions, two of them served in Brazil and one served in Argentina.  (All in South America) His father served his mission in Austria.

Chad's papers had been in for about two weeks and we were all on pins and needles waiting for that big white envelope to arrive!  It was a very busy week, Dallin, Chad's older brother was engaged and getting married on the 17th!  Here is a picture of the boys on the wedding day...
Devin, CHAD, Dallin, Derek and Blake

Okay, back to Friday, May 16th... Shalee, Chad's soon to be sister in law was to be endowed on this day in the Newport Beach temple.  Brad and I had left to go to the temple, we knew the call was in the mailbox but we of course needed and wanted to be at the temple for Shalee.  We had left it in the mailbox so Chad could get it out!  Chad was still in school when we left to go.  When Chad got home from school Devin took a few pictures of Chad getting his call out of the mailbox!!

As you can tell from the picture above, Chad is a very mellow boy!  (I know he was super excited... )

He called and told some of his friend that he would be opening his call that evening.  When we got home the house was already filling with people!

Peru, Lima West!!!  

Mexico City MTC (CCM) Aug 27, 2014

We were all super excited for him!!!  (I secretly had been hoping he would get to go to South America like his brothers did and I was hoping he would get to learn Spanish because it is a language he could use his whole life!  My hopes and prayers had been answered with a great big YES!!)

Congratulations Chad, we are so excited for you!!!  I love you!  I am very proud of you!

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